
Judith Ellen Devaney

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9EEJudith Ellen Devaney, Steven G. Satterfield, John G. Hagedorn, John T. Kelso, Adele P. Peskin, W. L. George, T. J. Griffin, H. K. Hung, Ronald D. Kriz: Science at the Speed of Thought. Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery 2004: 1-24
8EEJudith Ellen Devaney, John G. Hagedorn: Discovery in Hydrating Plaster Using Machine Learning Methods. Discovery Science 2002: 47-58
7 Judith Ellen Devaney, John G. Hagedorn: The Role of Genetic Programming in Describing the Microscopic Structure of Hydrating Plaster. GECCO Late Breaking Papers 2002: 91-98
6 Judith Ellen Devaney, John G. Hagedorn, Olivier Nicolas, Gagan Garg, Aurelien Samson, Martial Michel: A Genetic Programming Ecosystem. IPDPS 2001: 131
5EEJudith Ellen Devaney: The Role of Choice in Discovery. Discovery Science 2000: 247-251
4EEHoda El-Sayed, Marc Salit, John Travis, Judith Ellen Devaney, William George: Parallel Maximum-Likelihood Inversion for Estimating Wavenumber-Ordered Spectra in Emission Spectroscopy. IPDPS 2000: 71-76
3EEMartial Michel, Judith Ellen Devaney: Fine Packet Size Tuning with AutoLink. ICPP Workshops 1999: 295-300
2 Ryan P. McCormack, John Koontz, Judith Ellen Devaney: Seamless computing with WebSubmit. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 11(15): 949-963 (1999)
1EEDelphine Stéphanie Goujon, Martial Michel, Jasper Peeters, Judith Ellen Devaney: AutoMap and AutoLink: Tools for Communicating Complex and Dynamic Data-Structures Using MPI. CANPC 1998: 98-109

Coauthor Index

1Hoda El-Sayed [4]
2Gagan Garg [6]
3W. L. George [9]
4William George [4]
5Delphine Stéphanie Goujon [1]
6T. J. Griffin [9]
7John G. Hagedorn [6] [7] [8] [9]
8H. K. Hung [9]
9John T. Kelso [9]
10John Koontz [2]
11Ronald D. Kriz [9]
12Ryan P. McCormack [2]
13Martial Michel [1] [3] [6]
14Olivier Nicolas [6]
15Jasper Peeters [1]
16Adele P. Peskin [9]
17Marc Salit [4]
18Aurelien Samson [6]
19Steven G. Satterfield [9]
20John Travis [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)