
Alessandro Desideri

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2EEManuela Cavallari, Alessandro Desideri, Mattia Falconi, Mauro Ferrario: Molecular dynamics simulations of the Trp repressor-DNA complex and the AV77 mutant. Computer Physics Communications 169(1-3): 130-134 (2005)
1 Mattia Falconi, Gioia Altobelli, Maria Cristina Iovino, Vincenzo Politi, Alessandro Desideri: Molecular dynamics simulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase 2: fluctuations and time evolution of recognition pockets. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 17(12): 837-848 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Gioia Altobelli [1]
2Manuela Cavallari [2]
3Mattia Falconi [1] [2]
4Mauro Ferrario [2]
5Maria Cristina Iovino [1]
6Vincenzo Politi [1]

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