
Alain Deschênes

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7EEKay C. Wiese, Alain Deschênes, Andrew Hendriks: RnaPredict-An Evolutionary Algorithm for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 5(1): 25-41 (2008)
6EEKay C. Wiese, Andrew Hendriks, Alain Deschênes: Analysis of Thermodynamic Models and Performance in RnaPredict - An Evolutionary Algorithm for RNA Folding. CIBCB 2006: 1-9
5EEKay C. Wiese, Andrew Hendriks, Alain Deschênes, Belgacem Ben Youssef: Significance of randomness in P-RnaPredict - a parallel evolutionary algorithm for RNA folding. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 467-474
4EEKay C. Wiese, Andrew Hendriks, Alain Deschênes, Belgacem Ben Youssef: The impact of pseudorandom number quality on P-RnaPredict, a parallel genetic algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction. GECCO 2005: 479-480
3EEAlain Deschênes, Kay C. Wiese, Edward Glen: Comparison of Permutation-Based and Binary Representation in a Genetic Algorithm for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction. Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 549-550
2EEKay C. Wiese, Alain Deschênes, Edward Glen: Permutation-based RNA secondary structure prediction via a genetic algorithm. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (1) 2003: 335-342
1EEAndrew Hendriks, Kay C. Wiese, Edward Glen, Alain Deschênes: A distributed genetic algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (1) 2003: 343-350

Coauthor Index

1Edward Glen [1] [2] [3]
2Andrew Hendriks [1] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Kay C. Wiese [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Belgacem Ben Youssef [4] [5]

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