
Berna Dengiz

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10EEBerna Dengiz, Fulya Altiparmak, Onder Belgin: A hybrid ant colony optimization approach for the design of reliable networks. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 1118-1125
9EEBerna Dengiz, Onder Belgin: Paintshop production line optimization using response surface methodology. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 1667-1672
8EEFulya Altiparmak, Berna Dengiz, Akif A. Bulgak: Buffer allocation and performance modeling in asynchronous assembly system operations: An artificial neural network metamodeling approach. Appl. Soft Comput. 7(3): 946-956 (2007)
7EEBerna Dengiz, Tolga Bektas, A. Eren Ultanir: Simulation optimization based DSS application: A diamond tool production line in industry. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 14(3): 296-312 (2006)
6EEFulya Altiparmak, Berna Dengiz, Alice E. Smith: Reliability Estimation Of Computer Communication Networks: ANN Models. ISCC 2003: 1353-1358
5EEFulya Altiparmak, Berna Dengiz, Alice E. Smith: Optimal Design of Reliable Computer Networks: A Comparison of Metaheuristics. J. Heuristics 9(6): 471-487 (2003)
4EEFulya Altiparmak, Berna Dengiz, Akif A. Bulgak: Simulation of manufacturing operations: optimization of buffer sizes in assembly systems using intelligent techniques. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 1157-1162
3EEBerna Dengiz, Cigdem Alabas: Simulation optimization using tabu search. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 805-810
2 Berna Dengiz, Fulya Altiparmak, Alice E. Smith: Local Search Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of Highly Reliable Communications Networks. ICGA 1997: 650-657
1 Berna Dengiz, Fulya Altiparmak, Alice E. Smith: Local search genetic algorithm for optimal design of reliable networks. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 1(3): 179-188 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Cigdem Alabas [3]
2Fulya Altiparmak [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [8] [10]
3Tolga Bektas [7]
4Onder Belgin [9] [10]
5Akif A. Bulgak [4] [8]
6Alice E. Smith [1] [2] [5] [6]
7A. Eren Ultanir [7]

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