
Xidong Deng

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4EESungwon Yi, Xidong Deng, George Kesidis, Chita R. Das: A dynamic quarantine scheme for controlling unresponsive TCP sessions. Telecommunication Systems 37(4): 169-189 (2008)
3EESungwon Yi, Martin Kappes, Sachin Garg, Xidong Deng, George Kesidis, Chita R. Das: Proxy-RED: an AQM scheme for wireless local area networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 8(4): 421-434 (2008)
2 Xidong Deng, Sungwon Yi, George Kesidis, Chita R. Das: RL-RED: A flowcontrol mechanism for 802.11-basedwireless ad hoc networks. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 369-374
1 Sungwon Yi, Martin Kappes, Sachin Garg, Xidong Deng: Proxy-RED: An AQM Scheme for Wireless Local Area Networks. ICCCN 2004: 460-465

Coauthor Index

1Chita R. Das [2] [3] [4]
2Sachin Garg [1] [3]
3Martin Kappes [1] [3]
4George Kesidis [2] [3] [4]
5Sungwon Yi [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)