
Huawu Deng

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7EEHuawu Deng, David A. Clausi: Unsupervised Segmentation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Sea Ice Imagery Using MRF Models. CRV 2004: 43-50
6EEDavid A. Clausi, Huawu Deng: Feature Fusion for Image Texture Segmentation. ICPR (1) 2004: 580-583
5EEHuawu Deng, David A. Clausi: Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using A Simple MRF Model with A New Implementation Scheme. ICPR (2) 2004: 691-694
4EEHuawu Deng, David A. Clausi: Gaussian MRF Rotation-Invariant Features for Image Classification. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(7): 951-955 (2004)
3EEHuawu Deng, David A. Clausi: Unsupervised image segmentation using a simple MRF model with a new implementation scheme. Pattern Recognition 37(12): 2323-2335 (2004)
2EEHuawu Deng, David A. Clausi: Advanced Gaussian MRF Rotation-Invariant Texture Features for Classification of Remote Sensing Imagery. CVPR (2) 2003: 685-690
1EEHuawu Deng, Kap Luk Chan, Jun Liu: The Poisson equation for image texture modelling. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(9-10): 1571-1582 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Kap Luk Chan [1]
2David A. Clausi [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Jun Liu [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)