
Sophie Deneve

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9EESophie Deneve: Bayesian Spiking Neurons II: Learning. Neural Computation 20(1): 118-145 (2008)
8EESophie Deneve: Bayesian Spiking Neurons I: Inference. Neural Computation 20(1): 91-117 (2008)
7EEGianluigi Mongillo, Sophie Deneve: Online Learning with Hidden Markov Models. Neural Computation 20(7): 1706-1716 (2008)
6EESophie Deneve: Bayesian inference in spiking neurons. NIPS 2004
5 Sophie Deneve, Jean-Rene Duhamel, Alexandre Pouget: A New Model of Spatial Representation in Multimodal Brain Areas. NIPS 2000: 117-123
4 Alexandre Pouget, Sophie Deneve, Jean-Christophe Ducom, Peter E. Latham: Narrow vs Wide Tuning Curves: What's Best for a Population Code? Neural Computation 11(1): 85-90 (1999)
3EESophie Deneve, Alexandre Pouget, Peter E. Latham: Divisive Normalization, Line Attractor Networks and Ideal Observers. NIPS 1998: 104-110
2 Alexandre Pouget, Kechen Zhang, Sophie Deneve, Peter E. Latham: Statistically Efficient Estimation Using Population Coding. Neural Computation 10(2): 373-401 (1998)
1 Sophie Deneve, Alexandre Pouget: Neural Basis of Object-Centered Representations. NIPS 1997

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Christophe Ducom [4]
2Jean-Rene Duhamel [5]
3Peter E. Latham [2] [3] [4]
4Gianluigi Mongillo [7]
5Alexandre Pouget [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
6Kechen Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)