
Paul Delogne

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5EEThierry Sartenaer, Paul Delogne: Deterministic modeling of the (shielded) outdoor power line channel based on the multiconductor transmission line equations. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(7): 1277-1291 (2006)
4EELuc Vandendorpe, Paul Delogne, David Boucquey: Generalized interpolators for advanced movement-compensated 50 Hz-60 Hz conversion of interlaced sequences. ICIP 1995: 2237-2240
3 Luc Vandendorpe, Laurent Cuvelier, Benoît Maison, Paul Delogne: Coding of Deinterlaced Image Sequences. ICIP (2) 1994: 943-946
2EEPaul Delogne, Laurent Cuvelier, Benoît Maison, Béatrice Van Caillie, Luc Vandendorpe: Improved interpolation, motion estimation, and compensation for interlaced pictures. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3(5): 482-491 (1994)
1 Paul Delogne, Olivier Poncin, Béatrice Van Caillie, Luc Vandendorpe: Compatible Coding of Digital Interlaced HDTV. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(1): 146-152 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1David Boucquey [4]
2Béatrice Van Caillie [1] [2]
3Laurent Cuvelier [2] [3]
4Benoît Maison [2] [3]
5Olivier Poncin [1]
6Thierry Sartenaer [5]
7Luc Vandendorpe [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)