
Klaas Dellschaft

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5EEKlaas Dellschaft, Hendrik Engelbrecht, José Monte Barreto, Sascha Rutenbeck, Steffen Staab: Cicero: Tracking Design Rationale in Collaborative Ontology Engineering. ESWC 2008: 782-786
4EEThomas Franz, Klaas Dellschaft, Steffen Staab: Unlock Your Data: The Case of MyTag. FIS 2008: 117-129
3EEKlaas Dellschaft, Steffen Staab: An epistemic dynamic model for tagging systems. Hypertext 2008: 71-80
2EEMax Braun, Klaas Dellschaft, Thomas Franz, Dominik Hering, Peter Jungen, Hagen Metzler, Eugen Müller, Alexander Rostilov, Carsten Saathoff: Personalized search and exploration with mytag. WWW 2008: 1031-1032
1EEKlaas Dellschaft, Steffen Staab: On How to Perform a Gold Standard Based Evaluation of Ontology Learning. International Semantic Web Conference 2006: 228-241

Coauthor Index

1José Monte Barreto [5]
2Max Braun [2]
3Hendrik Engelbrecht [5]
4Thomas Franz [2] [4]
5Dominik Hering [2]
6Peter Jungen [2]
7Hagen Metzler [2]
8Eugen Müller [2]
9Alexander Rostilov [2]
10Sascha Rutenbeck [5]
11Carsten Saathoff [2]
12Steffen Staab [1] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)