
Zeger Degraeve

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11EEBert De Reyck, Zeger Degraeve, Roger Vandenborre: Project options valuation with net present value and decision tree analysis. European Journal of Operational Research 184(1): 341-355 (2008)
10EERaf Jans, Zeger Degraeve: A note on a symmetrical set covering problem: The lottery problem. European Journal of Operational Research 186(1): 104-110 (2008)
9EERaf Jans, Zeger Degraeve, Luc Schepens: Analysis of an industrial component commonality problem. European Journal of Operational Research 186(2): 801-811 (2008)
8EERaf Jans, Zeger Degraeve: Meta-heuristics for dynamic lot sizing: A review and comparison of solution approaches. European Journal of Operational Research 177(3): 1855-1875 (2007)
7EEMarc Peeters, Zeger Degraeve: An linear programming based lower bound for the simple assembly line balancing problem. European Journal of Operational Research 168(3): 716-731 (2006)
6EEMarc Peeters, Zeger Degraeve: Branch-and-price algorithms for the dual bin packing and maximum cardinality bin packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research 170(2): 416-439 (2006)
5EEBert De Reyck, Zeger Degraeve: MABS: Spreadsheet-based decision support for precision marketing. European Journal of Operational Research 171(3): 935-950 (2006)
4EEZeger Degraeve, Eva Labro, Filip Roodhooft: Total cost of ownership purchasing of a service: The case of airline selection at Alcatel Bell. European Journal of Operational Research 156(1): 23-40 (2004)
3EERaf Jans, Zeger Degraeve: Improved lower bounds for the capacitated lot sizing problem with setup times. Oper. Res. Lett. 32(2): 185-195 (2004)
2EEZeger Degraeve, Marc Peeters: Optimal Integer Solutions to Industrial Cutting-Stock Problems: Part 2, Benchmark Results. INFORMS Journal on Computing 15(1): 58-81 (2003)
1EEZeger Degraeve, Willy Gochet, Raf Jans: Alternative formulations for a layout problem in the fashion industry. European Journal of Operational Research 143(1): 80-93 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Willy Gochet [1]
2Raf Jans [1] [3] [8] [9] [10]
3Eva Labro [4]
4Marc Peeters [2] [6] [7]
5Bert De Reyck [5] [11]
6Filip Roodhooft [4]
7Luc Schepens [9]
8Roger Vandenborre [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)