
Laurent Decreusefond

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8EELaurent Decreusefond, Eduardo Ferreir, Philippe Martins: Simple estimate of signal to interference ratio with randomly located antennas. RIVF 2007: 140-143
7EELaurent Decreusefond, Eduardo Ferraz, Philippe Martins: Upper bound of loss probability in an OFDMA system with randomly located users CoRR abs/0707.3509: (2007)
6EETalel Abdessalem, Laurent Decreusefond, José Moreira: Evaluation of probabilistic queries in moving objects databases. MobiDE 2006: 11-18
5 Talel Abdessalem, Laurent Decreusefond, José Moreira: Probabilistic measurement of uncertainty in moving objects databases. BDA 2005
4EELaurent Decreusefond, Pascal Moyal: Fluid Limit of the M/M/1+GI-EDF Queue. SAINT Workshops 2005: 248-251
3 Laurent Decreusefond, Gilles Zémor: On the Error-Correcting Capabilities of Cycle Codes of Graphs. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 6(1): 27-38 (1997)
2 Ken Chen, Laurent Decreusefond: An Approximate Analysis of Waiting Time in Multi-Class M/G/1/./EDF Queues. SIGMETRICS 1996: 190-199
1 Laurent Decreusefond, Hayri Korezlioglu, Nico M. van Dijk: An Error Bound for Infinite Approximations of Queueing Networks with Large Finite Stations Under RSRD Protocol. Perform. Eval. 17(3): 177-187 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Talel Abdessalem [5] [6]
2Ken Chen [2]
3Nico M. van Dijk [1]
4Eduardo Ferraz [7]
5Eduardo Ferreir [8]
6Hayri Korezlioglu [1]
7Philippe Martins [7] [8]
8José Moreira [5] [6]
9Pascal Moyal [4]
10Gilles Zémor [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)