
Paul Dean

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5EEEirini Mavritsaki, Nathan Lepora, John Porrill, Christopher H. Yeo, Paul Dean: Response linearity determined by recruitment strategy in detailed model of nictitating membrane control. Biological Cybernetics 96(1): 39-57 (2007)
4EEJohn Porrill, Paul Dean: Recurrent Cerebellar Loops Simplify Adaptive Control of Redundant and Nonlinear Motor Systems. Neural Computation 19(1): 170-193 (2007)
3EEPaul A. Warren, John Porrill, Paul Dean: Consistency of Listing's law and reciprocal innervation with pseudo-inverse control of eye position in 3-D. Biological Cybernetics 91(1): 1-9 (2004)
2EEPaul Dean, John Porrill: Pseudo-inverse control in biological systems: a learning mechanism for fixation stability. Neural Networks 11(7-8): 1205-1218 (1998)
1EEPaul Dean, John E. W. Mayhew, Pat Langdon: A Neural Net Model for Adaptive Control of Saccadic Accuracy by Primate Cerebellum and Brainstem. NIPS 1991: 595-602

Coauthor Index

1Pat Langdon [1]
2Nathan Lepora [5]
3Eirini Mavritsaki [5]
4John E. W. Mayhew [1]
5John Porrill [2] [3] [4] [5]
6Paul A. Warren [3]
7Christopher H. Yeo [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)