
Alice M. Dean

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9EEAlice M. Dean, William Evans, Ellen Gethner, Joshua D. Laison, Mohammad Ali Safari, William T. Trotter: Bar k-Visibility Graphs. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 11(1): 45-59 (2007)
8EEAlice M. Dean, William Evans, Ellen Gethner, Joshua D. Laison, Mohammad Ali Safari, William T. Trotter: Bar k-Visibility Graphs: Bounds on the Number of Edges, Chromatic Number, and Thickness. Graph Drawing 2005: 73-82
7EEAlice M. Dean, Ellen Gethner, Joan P. Hutchinson: Unit Bar-Visibility Layouts of Triangulated Polygons. Graph Drawing 2004: 111-121
6EEAlice M. Dean: A Layout Algorithm for Bar-Visibility Graphs on the Möbius Band. Graph Drawing 2000: 350-359
5EEAlice M. Dean, Joan P. Hutchinson: Rectangle-visibility Layouts of Unions and Products of Trees. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 2(2): (1998)
4EEAlice M. Dean, Joan P. Hutchinson: Rectangle-visibility Representations of Bipartite Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 75(1): 9-25 (1997)
3 Prosenjit Bose, Alice M. Dean, Joan P. Hutchinson, Thomas C. Shermer: On Rectangle Visibility Graphs. Graph Drawing 1996: 25-44
2 Alice M. Dean, Joan P. Hutchinson: Rectangle-Visibility Representations of Bipartite Graphs. Graph Drawing 1994: 159-166
1EEAlice M. Dean, Joan P. Hutchinson, Edward R. Scheinerman: On the thickness and arboricity of a graph. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 52(1): 147-151 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Prosenjit Bose [3]
2William Evans [8] [9]
3Ellen Gethner [7] [8] [9]
4Joan P. Hutchinson [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
5Joshua D. Laison [8] [9]
6Mohammad Ali Safari [8] [9]
7Edward R. Scheinerman [1]
8Thomas C. Shermer [3]
9William T. Trotter [8] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)