1991 |
42 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
PCs for Chemists: Edited By J. Zupan. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990, ISBN 0-444-88623-0; 290pp.
Computers & Chemistry 15(3): 238 (1991) |
1990 |
41 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Advanced Scientific Computing in BASIC with Applications in Chemistry, Biology and Pharmacology : By P. Valko and S. Vajda, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989. ISBN 0-444-87270-1, 318 pp. + index contents.
Computers & Chemistry 14(2): 184-185 (1990) |
40 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
FORTRAN and the Art of PC Programming : By Tim Ward and Eddie Bromhead, Wiley, Chichester, U.K., 1989.
Computers & Chemistry 14(3): 259-260 (1990) |
1989 |
39 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Modular molecular mechanics programs and transportable force fields - a partly implemented proposal.
Computers & Chemistry 13(2): 111-116 (1989) |
38 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Computational Chemistry : By M. D. Johnston Jr, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1988. ISBN 0-444-42962-X, 680 pp.
Computers & Chemistry 13(3): 297 (1989) |
37 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Expert Systems 85 : Edited by Martin Merry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1986. ISBN 0-521-32596-X, 334 pp., no index.
Computers & Chemistry 13(3): 297 (1989) |
36 | | DeLos F. DeTar:
Numerical Recipes : By William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky and William T. Vetterling, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1986.
Computers & Chemistry 13(3): 297-298 (1989) |
35 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Computation of Solution Equilibria : By M. Melhoun, J. Havel and E. Högfeldt, Ellis Horwood, Chichester; Halsted Press, Wiley, New York, 1988. ISBN 0-7458-0201-X (Horwood), ISBN 0-470-20975-5 (Halsted), 292 pp. plus index and contents.
Computers & Chemistry 13(3): 298 (1989) |
1988 |
34 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Procedures for defining FSE standards.
Computers & Chemistry 12(1): 1-14 (1988) |
33 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Similarity and Clustering in Chemical Information Systems : By Peter Willett, (Research Studies Press Ltd), Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England, 1987. ISBN 0-471-91463-0, 0-86380-050-5, 254 pages plus index and contents.
Computers & Chemistry 12(1): 83 (1988) |
32 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.dta : by Edward R. Tufte, Graphics Press, P.O. Box 430, Cheshire, CT 06410, U.S.A., 1983, 190 pages plus index.
Computers & Chemistry 12(4): 359 (1988) |
1987 |
31 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Chemometrics: By Muhammad A. Sharaf, Deborah L. Illman and Bruce R. Kowalski, Wiley, New York, 1986, 326 pages plus index and contents, ISBN 0-471-83106-9.
Computers & Chemistry 11(1): 83 (1987) |
30 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Computer Aids to Chemistry : Edited by G. Vernin and M. Chanon, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1986. ISBN 0-85312-774-3 (Ellis Horwood), ISBN 0-470-20338-2 (Halsted Press), 375 pages plus subject and author indexes.
Computers & Chemistry 11(3): 227 (1987) |
29 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Modern Approaches to Chemical Reaction Searching, Proceedings of a Conference organized by the Chemical Structure Association of the University of York, England, 8-11 July 1985 : Edited by Peter Willett, Gower Publishing Company Limited, Aldershot, England, 1986. ISBN 0 566 03550 2; 262 pp.
Computers & Chemistry 11(3): 227 (1987) |
28 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation : By Neil A. B. Gray, Wiley, New York, 1986. ISBN 0-471-89824-4, 501 pages plus index and classified general bibliography.
Computers & Chemistry 11(3): 228 (1987) |
27 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Computer-Supported Spectroscopic Databases : Edited by J. Zupan, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1986. ISBN 0-85312-941-X (Ellis Horwood), ISBN 0-470-20730-2 (Wiley), 161 pages plus index.
Computers & Chemistry 11(3): 228 (1987) |
1986 |
26 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Microcomputers in the process industry : E.R. Robinson, Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, 1985. ISBN 0 85312-723-9. Distributed by John Wiley & Sons, Halsted Press, New York, in the U.S.A..
Computers & Chemistry 10(1): 83 (1986) |
1985 |
25 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Interactive FORTRAN 77, a hands-on approach : Edited by I. D. Chivers and M. W. Clark, Ellis Horwood Limited.
Computers & Chemistry 9(1): 77 (1985) |
24 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Methods in computational molecular physics : Edited by G. H. F. Diercksen and S. Wilson, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, 1983.
Computers & Chemistry 9(1): 78 (1985) |
23 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Computer education of chemists: Edited by Peter Lykos, John Wiley & Sons.
Computers & Chemistry 9(4): 325 (1985) |
22 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Logical and combinatorial algorithms for drug design: By V. E. Golender and A. B. Rozenblit, Research Studies Press Ltd. ISBN 0-471-90266-7, Letchworth, Hertfordshire, England 1983.
Computers & Chemistry 9(4): 325 (1985) |
21 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Pascal for FORTRAN programmers: By Robert Weiss and Charles Seiter, Addison-Wesley.
Computers & Chemistry 9(4): 325 (1985) |
1984 |
20 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Progress in modelling and simulation: Edited by Francois E. Cellier, Academic Press, London, 1982.
Computers & Chemistry 8(2): 231 (1984) |
1983 |
19 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Data processing in chemistry: Edited by Z. Hippe. Elsevier, Amsterdam (1981), X + 288 pp.
Computers & Chemistry 7(1): 45 (1983) |
18 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Kinetic data analysis. Design and analysis and pharmacokinetic experiments : Edited by L. Endreyni. Plenum Press. New York (1981), 414 pp.
Computers & Chemistry 7(1): 45 (1983) |
17 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Nonlinear optimization 1981 : Edited by M.J.D. Powell, Academic Press, London (1982), ISBN: 0-12-563860-4.
Computers & Chemistry 7(3): 157 (1983) |
1981 |
16 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
A. Balfour and D. H. Marwick, FORTRAN 77, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., 22 Bedford Square, London WCIB 3HH (1979).
Computers & Chemistry 5(1): 71 (1981) |
15 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Computer for imagemaking : D. R. Clark (Ed.) Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1981, 152pp.
Computers & Chemistry 5(4): 185 (1981) |
1978 |
14 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Calculator routine for 3 x 3 symmetrical matrix.
Computers & Chemistry 2(1): 35-36 (1978) |
13 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Calculator least squares evaluation of k for the first order rate equation.
Computers & Chemistry 2(1): 37-38 (1978) |
12 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Calculator least squares evaluation of k for the second order rate equation.
Computers & Chemistry 2(1): 39-42 (1978) |
11 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Algorithms for Chemical Computations, edited by Ralph E. Chriatoffersen.
Computers & Chemistry 2(1): 43-47 (1978) |
10 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Chemometrics: Theory and Application, edited by B. R. Kowalsk.
Computers & Chemistry 2(1): 47-49 (1978) |
9 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Calculator least squares evaluation of k, y0 and y for the first order rate equation.
Computers & Chemistry 2(2): 99-104 (1978) |
8 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Least squares treatment of the Arrhenius equation by a programmable calculator.
Computers & Chemistry 2(3-4): 143-148 (1978) |
7 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Calculator algorithms (AESHK) for interconverting Arrhenius A and E to DeltaH and DeltaS and for calculating interpolated rate constants.
Computers & Chemistry 2(3-4): 149-152 (1978) |
1977 |
6 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Data base for force fields and for molecular unit definitions.
Computers & Chemistry 1(2): 115-120 (1977) |
5 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Algorithms based on solid analytical geometry.
Computers & Chemistry 1(2): 129-134 (1977) |
4 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Utility subroutines.
Computers & Chemistry 1(2): 135-136 (1977) |
3 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Introduction to the symposium In print on molecular mechanics.
Computers & Chemistry 1(3): 139-140 (1977) |
2 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
MOLMEC. a general approach to molecular mechanics computations.
Computers & Chemistry 1(3): 141-144 (1977) |
1976 |
1 | EE | DeLos F. DeTar:
Evaluation of conformational energy populations of alkanes.
Computers & Chemistry 1(1): 35-44 (1976) |