2007 |
4 | EE | Rony Kubat,
Philip DeCamp,
Brandon Roy:
Totalrecall: visualization and semi-automatic annotation of very large audio-visual corpora.
ICMI 2007: 208-215 |
2006 |
3 | EE | Deb Roy,
Rupal Patel,
Philip DeCamp,
Rony Kubat,
Michael Fleischman,
Brandon Roy,
Nikolaos Mavridis,
Stefanie Tellex,
Alexia Salata,
Jethran Guinness,
Michael Levit,
Peter Gorniak:
The Human Speechome Project.
EELC 2006: 192-196 |
2 | EE | Michael Fleischman,
Philip DeCamp,
Deb Roy:
Mining temporal patterns of movement for video content classification.
Multimedia Information Retrieval 2006: 183-192 |
2004 |
1 | EE | Sunil Vemuri,
Philip DeCamp,
Walter Bender,
Chris Schmandt:
Improving speech playback using time-compression and speech recognition.
CHI 2004: 295-302 |