
Michael DeBellis

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7EEMichael DeBellis, Christine Haapala: User-Centric Software Engineering. IEEE Expert 10(1): 34-41 (1995)
6 Michael DeBellis: Intelligent Assistance for Transformation-Based Environments. SEKE 1993: 158-165
5 Michael DeBellis: The KBSA ADM Process Model. SEKE 1993: 585
4 William C. Sasso, Michael DeBellis: Plan-Based Guidance for Knowledge-Based Software Engineering. SEKE 1993: 665-672
3 Michael DeBellis, William C. Sasso, Gui Cabral: Directions for Future KBSA Research. KBSE 1991: 84-89
2 Gui Cabral, Michael DeBellis: Domain-Specific Representations in the KBSA Concept Demo. KBSE 1991: 97-106
1 John Yen, Robert Neches, Michael DeBellis: Specification by Reformulation: A Paradigm for Building Integrated User Support Environments. AAAI 1988: 814-818

Coauthor Index

1Gui Cabral [2] [3]
2Christine Haapala [7]
3Robert Neches [1]
4William C. Sasso [3] [4]
5John Yen [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)