
Richard O. Day

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7EERichard O. Day, Gary B. Lamont: An effective explicit building block MOEA, the MOMGA-IIa. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 17-24
6EERichard O. Day, Gary B. Lamont: Extended Multi-objective fast messy Genetic Algorithm Solving Deception Problems. EMO 2005: 296-310
5EERichard O. Day, Gary B. Lamont: Multiobjective Quadratic Assignment Problem Solved by an Explicit Building Block Search Algorithm - MOMGA-IIa. EvoCOP 2005: 91-100
4EERichard O. Day, Abel S. Nunez, Gary B. Lamont: MOEA design of robust digital symbol sets. GECCO 2005: 2213-2214
3EERichard O. Day, Abel S. Nunez, Gary B. Lamont: MOEA design of robust digital symbol sets. GECCO Workshops 2005: 167-169
2EEMark P. Kleeman, Richard O. Day, Gary B. Lamont: Analysis of a Parallel MOEA Solving the Multi-objective Quadratic Assignment Problem. GECCO (2) 2004: 402-403
1EERichard O. Day, Gary B. Lamont, Ruth Pachter: Protein Structure Prediction by Applying an Evolutionary Algorithm. IPDPS 2003: 155

Coauthor Index

1Mark P. Kleeman [2]
2Gary B. Lamont [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Abel S. Nunez [3] [4]
4Ruth Pachter [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)