
K. Roscoe Davis

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5EEK. Roscoe Davis, Antonie Stam, Ronald A. Grzybowski: Resource constrained project scheduling with multiple objectives: A decision support approach. Computers & OR 19(7): 657-669 (1992)
4EEStephen A. Floyd, Charles F. Turner III, K. Roscoe Davis: Model-based decision support systems: An effective implementation framework. Computers & OR 16(5): 481-491 (1989)
3EEK. Roscoe Davis, Leroy F. Simmons: Improving assembly line efficiency: A dynamic programming-heuristic approach. Computers & OR 4(2): 75-87 (1977)
2EEK. Roscoe Davis, James E. Walters: Addressing the N/1 scheduling problem - A heuristic approach. Computers & OR 4(2): 89-100 (1977)
1EEBernard W. Taylor III, K. Roscoe Davis: Addressing the production balancing problem. Computers & OR 3(1): 15-26 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Stephen A. Floyd [4]
2Ronald A. Grzybowski [5]
3Leroy F. Simmons [3]
4Antonie Stam [5]
5Bernard W. Taylor III [1]
6Charles F. Turner III [4]
7James E. Walters [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)