
Clare Davies

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4EEDavid Peebles, Clare Davies, Rodrigo Mora: Effects of Geometry, Landmarks and Orientation Strategies in the 'Drop-Off' Orientation Task. COSIT 2007: 390-405
3EEAnna-Katharina Lautenschütz, Clare Davies, Martin Raubal, Angela Schwering, Eric Pederson: The Influence of Scale, Context and Spatial Preposition in Linguistic Topology. Spatial Cognition 2006: 439-452
2EEClare Davies, Eric Pederson: Grid Patterns and Cultural Expectations in Urban Wayfinding. COSIT 2001: 400-414
1 Clare Davies, David Medyckuyj-Scott: GIS Usability: Recommendations Based on the User's View. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 8(2): 175-189 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Anna-Katharina Lautenschütz [3]
2David Medyckuyj-Scott [1]
3Rodrigo Mora [4]
4Eric Pederson [2] [3]
5David Peebles [4]
6Martin Raubal [3]
7Angela Schwering [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)