
Emmanuel Daucé

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8EEFrédéric Henry, Emmanuel Daucé: Emergence of stimulus-specific synchronous response through STDP in recurrent neural networks. ESANN 2008: 379-384
7EEFrédéric Henry, Emmanuel Daucé, Hédi Soula: Temporal pattern identification using spike-timing dependent plasticity. Neurocomputing 70(10-12): 2009-2016 (2007)
6EEEmmanuel Daucé, Mathias Quoy, Bernard Doyon: Resonant spatiotemporal learning in large random recurrent networks. Biological Cybernetics 87(3): 185-198 (2002)
5EEEmmanuel Daucé, Mathias Quoy, Bernard Doyon: Resonant spatiotemporal learning in large random recurrent networks. Biological Cybernetics 87(4): 315 (2002)
4EEEmmanuel Daucé: Learning from Chaos: A Model of Dynamical Perception. ICANN 2001: 1129-1134
3 Emmanuel Daucé, Olivier Moynot, Olivier Pinaud, Manuel Samuelides: Mean-field Theory and Synchronization in Random Recurrent Neural Networks. Neural Processing Letters 14(2): 115-126 (2001)
2EEEmmanuel Daucé, Olivier Moynot, Olivier Pinaud, Manuel Samuelides, Bernard Doyon: Mean-field equations reveal synchronization in a 2-populations neural network model. ESANN 1999: 7-12
1EEEmmanuel Daucé, Mathias Quoy, Bruno Cessac, Bernard Doyon, Manuel Samuelides: Self-organization and dynamics reduction in recurrent networks: stimulus presentation and learning. Neural Networks 11(3): 521-533 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Bruno Cessac [1]
2Bernard Doyon [1] [2] [5] [6]
3Frédéric Henry [7] [8]
4Olivier Moynot [2] [3]
5Olivier Pinaud [2] [3]
6Mathias Quoy [1] [5] [6]
7Manuel Samuelides [1] [2] [3]
8Hédi Soula [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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