
Subhasish Dasgupta

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4 Subhasish Dasgupta, Rajesh Chandrashekaran: Rotating Banner Advertisements on the World Wide Web. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (IV) 2005: 2438-2442
3EEW. Lee Meeks, Subhasish Dasgupta: Geospatial information utility: an estimation of the relevance of geospatial information to users. Decision Support Systems 38(1): 47-63 (2004)
2EEEric C. Turner, Subhasish Dasgupta: Privacy on the Web: an Examination of User Concerns, Technology, and Implications for Business Organizations and Individuals. IS Management 20(1): 8-18 (2003)
1EESubhasish Dasgupta: Electronic Contracting in Online Stock Trading. Electronic Markets 8(3): (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Rajesh Chandrashekaran [4]
2W. Lee Meeks [3]
3Eric C. Turner [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)