
Olivia Das

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9EEGreg Franks, Tariq Omari, C. Murray Woodside, Olivia Das, Salem Derisavi: Enhanced Modeling and Solution of Layered Queueing Networks. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 35(2): 148-161 (2009)
8EEOlivia Das, Arindam Das: Performability evaluation of mobile client-server systems. SAC 2008: 2197-2201
7EERobin Castelino, Ahmed El Kaffas, Omar Falou, Olivia Das: Modeling of an Iterated Birth/Death Markov Process for Optimization of Radiotherapy Treatment Planning. CCECE 2006: 1385-1388
6EEOlivia Das, C. Murray Woodside: Computing the performability of layered distributed systems with a management architecture. WOSP 2004: 174-185
5EEOlivia Das, C. Murray Woodside: Analyzing the effectiveness of fault-management architectures in layered distributed systems. Perform. Eval. 56(1-4): 93-120 (2004)
4EEOlivia Das, C. Murray Woodside: Dependable LQNS: A Performability Modeling Tool for Layered Systems. DSN 2003: 672
3EEOlivia Das, C. Murray Woodside: Dependability Modeling of Self-healing Client-Server Applications. WADS 2003: 266-285
2EEOlivia Das, C. Murray Woodside: Modeling the Coverage and Effectiveness of Fault-Management Architectures in Layered Distributed Systems. DSN 2002: 745-754
1 Olivia Das, C. Murray Woodside: Evaluating layered distributed software systems with fault-tolerant features. Perform. Eval. 45(1): 57-76 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Robin Castelino [7]
2Arindam Das [8]
3Salem Derisavi [9]
4Omar Falou [7]
5Greg Franks [9]
6Ahmed El Kaffas [7]
7Tariq Omari [9]
8C. Murray Woodside [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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