
Manohar Das

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7EEYixin Chen, Manohar Das, Devendra Bajpai: Vehicle Tracking and Distance Estimation Based on Multiple Image Features. CRV 2007: 371-378
6EEAbdul Itani, Manohar Das: Self-Describing Context-Based Pixel Ordering. ISVC 2005: 413-419
5EEAbdul Itani, Manohar Das: Adaptive Switching Linear Predictor for Lossless Image Compression. ISVC 2005: 718-722
4 Manohar Das: An improved adaptive wiener filter for de-noising and signal detection. SIP 2005: 226-230
3EEManohar Das, Jayraman Anand: Robust edge detection in noisy images using an adaptive stochastic gradient technique. ICIP 1995: 2149-2152
2EEManohar Das, N. K. Loh: New studies on adaptive predictive coding of images using multiplicative autoregressive models. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 1(1): 106-111 (1992)
1EEManohar Das, Mark J. Paulik, N. K. Loh: A Bivariate Autoregressive Technique for Analysis and Classification of Planar Shapes. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 12(1): 97-103 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Jayraman Anand [3]
2Devendra Bajpai [7]
3Yixin Chen [7]
4Abdul Itani [5] [6]
5N. K. Loh [1] [2]
6Mark J. Paulik [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)