
Mary Darking

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4EEMary Darking, Edgar A. Whitley, Paolo Dini: Governing diversity in the digital ecosystem. Commun. ACM 51(10): 137-140 (2008)
3EEWill Venters, Mary Darking, Ben Light, Jan Pries-Heje, Björn Lundell: Panel: Jumping the high-jump and landing in the sandpit - The issues involved in moving from being a PhD student to being a full member of the IS community. ECIS 2005
2EEEdgar A. Whitley, Sandra Sieber, Cristina Cáliz, Mary Darking, Chiara Frigerio, Edoardo Iacucci, Michael Rill: Panel: What is it like to do an information systems PhD in Europe? Diversity in the practice of IS research. ECIS 2003
1EEMary Darking: Research In Progress : Integrating Pedagogical Technologies Into Uk Higher Education : Conceptual Foundations. ECIS 2002

Coauthor Index

1Cristina Cáliz [2]
2Paolo Dini [4]
3Chiara Frigerio [2]
4Edoardo Iacucci [2]
5Ben Light [3]
6Björn Lundell [3]
7Jan Pries-Heje [3]
8Michael Rill [2]
9Sandra Sieber [2]
10Will Venters [3]
11Edgar A. Whitley [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)