
Rudy Darken

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4EERudy Darken, Perry McDowell, Erik Johnson: The Delta3D Open Source Game Engine. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(3): 10-12 (2005)
3EEMichael Zyda, Donald P. Brutzman, Rudy Darken, John Hiles, Ted Lewis, Alex Mayberry, Russell Shilling, Joe Sullivan, Alex Callahan, Margaret J. Davis: This Year in the MOVES Institute. CW 2003
2 Nathaniel I. Durlach, Gary Allen, Rudy Darken, Rebecca Lee Garnett, Jack M. Loomis, Jim Templeman, Thomas E. von Wiegand: Virtual Environents and the Enhancement of Spatial Behavior: Toward a Comprehensive Research Agenda. Presence 9(6): 593-615 (2000)
1 Rudy Darken: Wired Wired World: Breaking the Mosaic Mold. IEEE Internet Computing 2(3): 97-99 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Gary Allen [2]
2Donald P. Brutzman [3]
3Alex Callahan [3]
4Margaret J. Davis [3]
5Nathaniel I. Durlach [2]
6Rebecca Lee Garnett [2]
7John Hiles [3]
8Erik Johnson [4]
9Ted Lewis [3]
10Jack M. Loomis [2]
11Alex Mayberry [3]
12Perry McDowell [4]
13Russell Shilling [3]
14Joe Sullivan [3]
15Jim Templeman [2]
16Thomas E. von Wiegand [2]
17Michael Zyda [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)