
William P. Dannevik

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8 Arthur A. Mirin, Ron H. Cohen, Bruce C. Curtis, William P. Dannevik, Andris M. Dimits, Mark A. Duchaineau, Don E. Eliason, Daniel Schikore, Sarah E. Anderson, David H. Porter, Paul R. Woodward, L. J. Shieh, Steven W. White: Accomplishing Very High Resolution Turbulence Simulations on the IBM-SP System. PPSC 2001
7 Arthur A. Mirin, Ron H. Cohen, William P. Dannevik, Andris M. Dimits, Don E. Eliason, David H. Porter, O. Schilling, Paul R. Woodward: Three-Dimensional Simulations of Compressible Turbulence on High-Performance Computing Systems. PPSC 1997
6 M. F. Wehner, Arthur A. Mirin, Peter G. Eltgroth, William P. Dannevik, Carlos R. Mechoso, John D. Farrara, Joseph A. Spahr: Performance of a Distributed Memory Finite Difference Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Parallel Computing 21(10): 1655-1675 (1995)
5 M. F. Wehner, J. J. Ambrosiano, J. C. Brown, William P. Dannevik, Peter G. Eltgroth, Arthur A. Mirin, John D. Farrara, Chung-Chun Ma, Carlos R. Mechoso, Joseph A. Spahr: Toward a High Performance Distributed Memory Climate Model. HPDC 1993: 102-113
4 Arthur A. Mirin, William P. Dannevik, M. F. Wehner, J. C. Brown, B. Chan: Performance of a Portable, Parallel Atmospheric General Circulation Model. PPSC 1993: 92-95
3 Carlos R. Mechoso, Chung-Chun Ma, John D. Farrara, Joseph A. Spahr, Reagan W. Moore, William P. Dannevik, M. F. Wehner, Peter G. Eltgroth, Arthur A. Mirin: Distributing a Climate Model across Gigabit Networks. HPDC 1992: 16-25
2EERobert C. Malone, Robert Chervin, Richard Smith, William P. Dannevik, John B. Drake: Computing climate change: can we beat nature? SC 1991: 676
1EEWilliam P. Dannevik: Computing modeling in a MIMD environment. SC 1991: 678

Coauthor Index

1J. J. Ambrosiano [5]
2Sarah E. Anderson [8]
3J. C. Brown [4] [5]
4B. Chan [4]
5Robert Chervin [2]
6Ron H. Cohen [7] [8]
7Bruce C. Curtis [8]
8Andris M. Dimits [7] [8]
9John B. Drake [2]
10Mark A. Duchaineau [8]
11Don E. Eliason [7] [8]
12Peter G. Eltgroth [3] [5] [6]
13John D. Farrara [3] [5] [6]
14Chung-Chun Ma [3] [5]
15Robert C. Malone [2]
16Carlos R. Mechoso [3] [5] [6]
17Arthur A. Mirin [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
18Reagan Moore (Reagan W. Moore) [3]
19David H. Porter [7] [8]
20Daniel Schikore [8]
21O. Schilling [7]
22L. J. Shieh [8]
23Richard Smith [2]
24Joseph A. Spahr [3] [5] [6]
25M. F. Wehner [3] [4] [5] [6]
26Steven W. White [8]
27Paul R. Woodward [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)