
Andrzej Daniluk

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5EEAndrzej Daniluk: An extension of the computer program for dynamical calculations of RHEED intensity oscillations. Heterostructures. Computer Physics Communications 176(1): 70-73 (2007)
4EEAndrzej Daniluk, Kazimierz Skrobas: A new version of a computer program for dynamical calculations of RHEED intensity oscillations. Computer Physics Communications 174(1): 83-85 (2006)
3EEMarcin Brzuszek, Andrzej Daniluk: Multithreaded transactions in scientific computing: New versions of a computer program for kinematical calculations of RHEED intensity oscillations. Computer Physics Communications 175(10): 678-681 (2006)
2EEAndrzej Daniluk: Dynamical calculations for RHEED intensity oscillations. Computer Physics Communications 166(2): 123-140 (2005)
1EEAndrzej Daniluk: Kinematical calculations of RHEED intensity oscillations during the growth of thin epitaxial films. Computer Physics Communications 170(3): 265-286 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Marcin Brzuszek [3]
2Kazimierz Skrobas [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)