
Thomas Daniels

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4EENasir D. Memon, Thomas Daniels: Special issue on secure knowledge management. Information Systems Frontiers 9(5): 449-450 (2007)
3EERyan Gerdes, Thomas Daniels, Mani Mina, Steve Russell: Device Identification via Analog Signal Fingerprinting: A Matched Filter Approach. NDSS 2006
2 Jianqiang Xin, Linfeng Zhang, Brad Aswegan, John Dickerson, Julie A. Dickerson, Thomas Daniels, Yong Guan: A testbed for evaluation and analysis of stepping stone attack attribution techniques. TRIDENTCOM 2006
1 Basheer Al-Duwairi, Thomas Daniels: Topology Based Packet Marking. ICCCN 2004: 146-151

Coauthor Index

1Basheer Al-Duwairi [1]
2Brad Aswegan [2]
3John Dickerson [2]
4Julie A. Dickerson [2]
5Ryan Gerdes [3]
6Yong Guan [2]
7Nasir D. Memon [4]
8Mani Mina [3]
9Steve Russell [3]
10Jianqiang Xin [2]
11Linfeng Zhang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)