
John Daniels

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10EERandall B. Smith, Bernard Horan, John Daniels, Dave Cleal: Programming the world with sun SPOTs. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 706-707
9EEDoug Simon, Cristina Cifuentes, Dave Cleal, John Daniels, Derek White: JavaTM on the bare metal of wireless sensor devices: the squawk Java virtual machine. VEE 2006: 78-88
8EEJohn Daniels: Modeling with a Sense of Purpose. IEEE Software 19(1): 8-10 (2002)
7EEJohn Daniels: Component Contracts. TOOLS (33) 2000: 6
6 Laura Hill, Kenneth S. Rubin, John Daniels, Charles Berman, James Coplien, Douglas Johnson: Managing Object Oriented Projects - Panel Session. OOPSLA 1995: 88-90
5 Steve Cook, John Daniels: Domains for Flexibility, Symplicity, and Reuse. JOOP 7(9): 13-19 (1995)
4 Laura Hill, Douglas Johnson, Kenneth S. Rubin, Charles Berman, James Coplien, John Daniels: Object-oriented project management (panel). OOPS Messenger 6(4): 89-93 (1995)
3 Steve Cook, John Daniels: Software isn't the Real World. JOOP 7(2): 22-29 (1994)
2 Steve Cook, John Daniels: Lets get Formal. JOOP 7(4): 22-24, 64 (1994)
1 Steve Cook, John Daniels: Object Communication. JOOP 7(5): 14-23 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Charles Berman [4] [6]
2Cristina Cifuentes [9]
3Dave Cleal [9] [10]
4Steve Cook [1] [2] [3] [5]
5James Coplien [4] [6]
6Laura Hill [4] [6]
7Bernard Horan [10]
8Douglas Johnson [4] [6]
9Kenneth S. Rubin [4] [6]
10Doug Simon [9]
11Randall B. Smith [10]
12Derek White [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)