
A. Danckaert

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3 Colombe Chappey, A. Danckaert, Philippe Dessen, Serge A. Hazout: MASH: an interactive program for multiple alignment and consensus sequence construction for biological sequences. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 7(2): 195-202 (1991)
2 A. Danckaert, Colombe Chappey, Serge A. Hazout: 'Size leap' algorithm: an efficient extraction of the longest common motifs from a molecular sequence set. Application to the DNA sequence reconstruction. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 7(4): 509-513 (1991)
1 A. Danckaert, C. Mugnier, Philippe Dessen, M. Cohen-Solal: A computer program for the design of optimal synthetic oligonucleotide probes for protein coding genes. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 3(4): 303-307 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Colombe Chappey [2] [3]
2M. Cohen-Solal [1]
3Philippe Dessen [1] [3]
4Serge A. Hazout [2] [3]
5C. Mugnier [1]

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