
Vitalian A. Danciu

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4EELatifa Boursas, Vitalian A. Danciu: Dynamic inter-organizational cooperation setup in Circle-of-Trust environments. NOMS 2008: 113-120
3EEVitalian A. Danciu, Nils gentschen Felde, Martin Sailer: Declarative Specification of Service Management Attributes. Integrated Network Management 2007: 429-438
2EEBernhard Kempter, Vitalian A. Danciu: Generic Policy Conflict Handling Using a priori Models. DSOM 2005: 84-96
1EEVitalian A. Danciu, Bernhard Kempter: From processes to policies - concepts for large scale policy generation. NOMS (1) 2004: 17-30

Coauthor Index

1Latifa Boursas [4]
2Nils gentschen Felde [3]
3Bernhard Kempter [1] [2]
4Martin Sailer [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)