
Ivan Damnjanovic

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5EEIvan Damnjanovic, Josh Reiss, Dan Barry: Enabling access to sound archives through integration, enrichment and retrieval. ICME 2008: 1597-1598
4EEIvan Damnjanovic, Ebroul Izquierdo: Capacity Enhancement of Compressed Domain Watermarking Channel Using Duo-binary Coding. IWDW 2006: 162-176
3EEIvan Damnjanovic, Ebroul Izquierdo: Perceptual watermarking using just noticeable difference model based on block classification. MobiMedia 2006: 36
2EELi-Qun Xu, Paulo Villegas, Mónica Díez, Ebroul Izquierdo, Stephan Herrmann, Vincent Bottreau, Ivan Damnjanovic, Damien Papworth: A User-Centred System for End-to-End Secure Multimedia Content Delivery: From Content Annotation to Consumer Consumption. CIVR 2004: 656-664
1EEEbroul Izquierdo, Ivan Damnjanovic, Paulo Villegas, Li-Qun Xu, Stephan Herrmann: Bringing User Satisfaction to Media Access: The IST BUSMAN Project. IV 2004: 444-449

Coauthor Index

1Dan Barry [5]
2Vincent Bottreau [2]
3Mónica Díez [2]
4Stephan Herrmann [1] [2]
5Ebroul Izquierdo [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Damien Papworth [2]
7Josh Reiss [5]
8Paulo Villegas [1] [2]
9Li-Qun Xu [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)