
Dejan Damnjanovic

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3 Anastasija Kokanovic, Dejan Damnjanovic, Miodrag Stanic, Ivana Mijajlovic: Replication Management in Distributed Databases. ICEIS (1) 2003: 491-494
2 Dejan Damnjanovic, Zoran Ristic, Miodrag Stanic, Petar Opacic, Boban Peric, Maja Radovanovic: Integration of Different Data Sources and Message Queueing System in Postnet-Case Studies. ICEIS (1) 2001: 279-282
1 Nada Milosavljevic, Dragoslav Rasinac, Ranko R. Nedeljkovic, Dejan Damnjanovic: Transportation in Postal Enterprise of Serbia: Application Development and Intranet Implementation. ICEIS 1999: 477-484

Coauthor Index

1Anastasija Kokanovic [3]
2Ivana Mijajlovic [3]
3Nada Milosavljevic [1]
4Ranko R. Nedeljkovic [1]
5Petar Opacic [2]
6Boban Peric [2]
7Maja Radovanovic [2]
8Dragoslav Rasinac [1]
9Zoran Ristic [2]
10Miodrag Stanic [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)