
Huaping Dai

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5EEQingdong Wang, Huaping Dai, Youxian Sun: Develop Multi-hierarchy Classification Model: Rough Set Based Feature Decomposition Method. ICAPR (1) 2005: 164-171
4EEHuaping Dai: Studies on the Minimum Initial Marking of a Class of Hybrid Timed Petri Nets. ICIC (2) 2005: 109-118
3EEDuan Zhang, Huaping Dai, Youxian Sun, Qingqing Kong: On the Evolvement of Extended Continuous Event Graphs. ICIC (2) 2005: 21-30
2EEDuan Zhang, Huaping Dai, Youxian Sun: A Dioid Linear Algebra Approach to Study a Class of Continuous Petri Nets. NPC 2004: 333-340
1EEDuan Zhang, Huaping Dai, Youxian Sun: An algebraic model for performance evaluation of a class of continuous Petri nets. SMC (5) 2004: 4965-4970

Coauthor Index

1Qingqing Kong [3]
2Youxian Sun [1] [2] [3] [5]
3Qingdong Wang [5]
4Duan Zhang [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)