
Ingo Dahn

Bernd I. Dahn

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18 Ingo Dahn: eEDS - open specifications facilitate European academic exchange. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 122(12): 482-484 (2005)
17 Giorgio Da Bormida, Marco Di Girolamo, Ingo Dahn, Elena Murelli: An Open Abstract Framework for Modeling Interoperability of Mobile Learning Services. EDUTECH 2004: 113-120
16EEIngo Dahn: Software Interoperability Problems and E-Learning. LeGE-WG 2 2003
15EEIngo Dahn: Developing a Service Based Architecture in the Mobilearn E-Learning Project. LeGE-WG 3 2003
14EEIngo Dahn, Laurent Vigneron: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 86(1): (2003)
13EEIngo Dahn: Management of Informal Mathematical Knowledge ? Lessons Learned from the Trial-Solution Project. Electronic Information and Communication in Mathematics 2002: 29-43
12EEIngo Dahn: Interpretation of a Mizar-Like Logic in First-Order Logic. FTP (LNCS Selection) 1998: 137-151
11 Peter Baumgartner, Ingo Dahn, Jürgen Dix, Ulrich Furbach, Michael Kühn, Frieder Stolzenburg, Bernd Thomas: Automated Deduction: a Technological Point of View. KI 12(4): 7-14 (1998)
10 Bernd I. Dahn, Jürgen Gehne, Th. Honigmann, Andreas Wolf: Integration of Automated and Interactive Theorem Proving in ILP. CADE 1997: 57-60
9 Ingo Dahn: Publikation mathematischer Texte im Internet. Herausforderungen an die Wissensorganisation (ISKO Tagung) 1997: 181-192
8 Bernd I. Dahn, Andreas Wolf: Natural Language Presentation and Combination of Automatically Generated Proofs. Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCos) 1996: 175-192
7 Bernd I. Dahn, Andreas Wolf: A Calculus Supporting Structured Proofs. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 30(5/6): 261-276 (1994)
6 Bernd I. Dahn: Boolean Valued Models and Incomplete Specifications. J. Log. Program. 12(3&4): 225-236 (1992)
5 Bernd I. Dahn, Theodor Lettmann, Wolfgang Schönfeld: ILFA Interface Concept IWBS Report 193: (1991)
4 Bernd I. Dahn: On Test Classes for Universal Theories. CSL 1989: 90-97
3 Bernd I. Dahn: On Test Classes for Universal Theories. Easter Conference on Model Theory 1989: 67-74
2 Bernd I. Dahn, Wolfgang Lenski: Universally Generic Ordered Abelian Groups with Two Generators. Easter Conference on Model Theory 1989: 75-80
1 Bernd I. Dahn: Boolean Valued Models and Incomplete Specifications. ALP 1988: 119-126

Coauthor Index

1Peter Baumgartner [11]
2Giorgio Da Bormida [17]
3Jürgen Dix [11]
4Ulrich Furbach [11]
5Jürgen Gehne [10]
6Marco Di Girolamo [17]
7Th. Honigmann [10]
8Michael Kühn [11]
9Wolfgang Lenski [2]
10Theodor Lettmann [5]
11Elena Murelli [17]
12Wolfgang Schönfeld [5]
13Frieder Stolzenburg [11]
14Bernd Thomas [11]
15Laurent Vigneron [14]
16Andreas Wolf [7] [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)