
Dominik Dahlem

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5EEJim Dowling, Dominik Dahlem, Jan Sacha: Matching distributed systems to their environment using dissipative structures. CollaborateCom 2005
4EEIvana Dusparic, Dominik Dahlem, Jim Dowling: Flexible Application Rights Management in a Pervasive Environment. EEE 2005: 680-685
3EEJens H. Jahnke, Yury Bychkov, Dominik Dahlem, Luay Kawasme: Context-Aware Information Delivery. An Application in the Health Care Domain. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 19(3): 459-478 (2005)
2EEDominik Dahlem, Ivana Dusparic, Jim Dowling: A Pervasive Application Rights Management Architecture (PARMA) based on ODRL. ODRL Workshop 2004: 45-63
1EEIryna Bilykh, Yury Bychkov, Dominik Dahlem, Jens H. Jahnke, Glen McCallum, Christina Obry, Adeniyi Onabajo, Craig E. Kuziemsky: Can GRID services provide answers to the challenges of national health information sharing? CASCON 2003: 39-53

Coauthor Index

1Iryna Bilykh [1]
2Yury Bychkov [1] [3]
3Jim Dowling [2] [4] [5]
4Ivana Dusparic [2] [4]
5Luay Kawasme [3]
6Craig E. Kuziemsky [1]
7Glen McCallum [1]
8Christina Obry [1]
9Adeniyi Onabajo [1]
10Jan Sacha [5]
11Jens H. Weber-Jahnke (Jens H. Jahnke) [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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