
Luis Fernando Llana Díaz

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12EELuis Fernando Llana Díaz, Manuel Núñez: Testing Semantics for RTPA. Fundam. Inform. 90(3): 305-335 (2009)
11EEManuel Núñez, Luis Fernando Llana Díaz: A Hierarchy of Equivalences for Probabilistic Processes. FORTE 2008: 267-282
10EELuis Fernando Llana Díaz, Manuel Núñez, Ismael Rodríguez: Derivation of a Suitable Finite Test Suite for Customized Probabilistic Systems. FORTE 2006: 467-483
9EELuis Fernando Llana Díaz, Manuel Núñez, Ismael Rodríguez: Customized Testing for Probabilistic Systems. TestCom 2006: 87-102
8EECarlos Gregorio-Rodríguez, Luis Fernando Llana Díaz, Pedro Palao-Gostanza, Cristóbal Pareja-Flores, R. Martínez-Unanue, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide: EXercita: automatic web publishing of programming exercises. ITiCSE 2001: 161-164
7 Carlos Gregorio-Rodríguez, Luis Fernando Llana Díaz, R. Martínez, Pedro Palao-Gostanza, Cristóbal Pareja-Flores, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide: EXercita. A System for Archiving and Publishing Programming Exercises. Computers and Education. Towards an Interconnected Society 2001: 187-197
6EELuis Fernando Llana Díaz, David de Frutos-Escrig: Relating May and Must Testing Semantics for Discrete Timed Process Algebras. ASIAN 1999: 74-86
5 Carlos Gregorio-Rodríguez, Luis Fernando Llana Díaz, Manuel Núñez, Pedro Palao-Gostanza: Testing Semantics for a Probabilistic-Timed Process Algebra. ARTS 1997: 353-367
4 Luis Fernando Llana Díaz, David de Frutos-Escrig: Denotational Semantics for Timed Testing. ARTS 1997: 368-382
3 Luis Fernando Llana Díaz, Manuel Núñez: Testing Semantics for Unbounded Nondeterminism. Euro-Par 1997: 538-545
2 David de Frutos-Escrig, Luis Fernando Llana Díaz, Manuel Núñez: Friendly Testing as a Conformance Relation. FORTE 1997: 283-298
1 Manuel Núñez, David de Frutos-Escrig, Luis Fernando Llana Díaz: Acceptance Trees for Probabilistic Processes. CONCUR 1995: 249-263

Coauthor Index

1David de Frutos-Escrig [1] [2] [4] [6]
2Carlos Gregorio-Rodríguez [5] [7] [8]
3R. Martínez [7]
4R. Martínez-Unanue [8]
5Manuel Núñez [1] [2] [3] [5] [9] [10] [11] [12]
6Pedro Palao-Gostanza [5] [7] [8]
7Cristóbal Pareja-Flores [7] [8]
8Ismael Rodríguez [9] [10]
9J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)