
Humberto González Díaz

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11EERiccardo Concu, Gianni Podda, Eugenio Uriarte, Humberto González Díaz: Computational chemistry study of 3D-structure-function relationships for enzymes based on Markov models for protein electrostatic, HINT, and van der Waals potentials. Journal of Computational Chemistry 30(9): 1510-1520 (2009)
10EESantiago Vilar, Humberto González Díaz, Lourdes Santana, Eugenio Uriarte: QSAR model for alignment-free prediction of human breast cancer biomarkers based on electrostatic potentials of protein pseudofolding HP-lattice networks. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(16): 2613-2622 (2008)
9EEMaykel Cruz-Monteagudo, Humberto González Díaz, Guillermín Agüero-Chapín, Lourdes Santana, Fernanda Borges, Elena Rosa Domínguez, Gianni Podda, Eugenio Uriarte: Computational chemistry development of a unified free energy Markov model for the distribution of 1300 chemicals to 38 different environmental or biological systems. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(11): 1909-1923 (2007)
8EEHumberto González Díaz, Yunierkis Pérez-castillo, Gianni Podda, Eugenio Uriarte: Computational chemistry comparison of stable/nonstable protein mutants classification models based on 3D and topological indices. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(12): 1990-1995 (2007)
7EEHumberto González Díaz, Liane Saíz-urra, Reinaldo Molina Ruiz, Yenny González-Díaz, Angeles Sánchez-González: Computational chemistry approach to protein kinase recognition using 3D stochastic van der Waals spectral moments. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(6): 1042-1048 (2007)
6EEHumberto González Díaz, Guillermín Agüero-Chapín, Javier Varona, Reinaldo Molina Ruiz, Giovanna Delogu, Lourdes Santana, Eugenio Uriarte, Gianni Podda: 2D-RNA-coupling numbers: A new computational chemistry approach to link secondary structure topology with biological function. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(6): 1049-1056 (2007)
5EEHumberto González Díaz, Francisco J. Prado-Prado: Unified QSAR and network-based computational chemistry approach to antimicrobials, part 1: Multispecies activity models for antifungals. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(4): 656-667 (2007)
4EEEnrique Molina, Humberto González Díaz, Maykel Pérez González, Elismary Rodríguez, Eugenio Uriarte: Designing Antibacterial Compounds through a Topological Substructural Approach. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(2): 515-521 (2004)
3 Humberto González Díaz, Ronal Ramos de Armas, Reinaldo Molina Ruiz: Markovian negentropies in bioinformatics. 1. A picture of footprints after the interaction of the HIV-1 -RNA packaging region with drugs. Bioinformatics 19(16): 2079-2087 (2003)
2EEHumberto González Díaz, Ivan Hernández Sánchez, Eugenio Uriarte, Lourdes Santana: Symmetry considerations in Markovian chemicals 'in silico' design (MARCH-INSIDE) I: central chirality codification, classification of ACE inhibitors and prediction of \sigma-receptor antagonist activities. Computational Biology and Chemistry 27(3): 217-227 (2003)
1EEMaykel Pérez González, Humberto González Díaz, Reinaldo Molina Ruiz, Miguel A. Cabrera, Ronal Ramos de Armas: TOPS-MODE Based QSARs Derived from Heterogeneous Series of Compounds. Applications to the Design of New Herbicides. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(4): 1192-1199 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Guillermín Agüero-Chapín [6] [9]
2Ronal Ramos de Armas [1] [3]
3Fernanda Borges [9]
4Miguel A. Cabrera [1]
5Riccardo Concu [11]
6Maykel Cruz-Monteagudo [9]
7Giovanna Delogu [6]
8Elena Rosa Domínguez [9]
9Maykel Pérez González [1] [4]
10Yenny González-Díaz [7]
11Enrique Molina [4]
12Yunierkis Pérez-castillo [8]
13Gianni Podda [6] [8] [9] [11]
14Francisco J. Prado-Prado [5]
15Elismary Rodríguez [4]
16Reinaldo Molina Ruiz [1] [3] [6] [7]
17Liane Saíz-urra [7]
18Ivan Hernández Sánchez [2]
19Angeles Sánchez-González [7]
20Lourdes Santana [2] [6] [9] [10]
21Eugenio Uriarte [2] [4] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11]
22Javier Varona [6]
23Santiago Vilar [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)