
Louis D'Alotto

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6 Louis D'Alotto: Parallel Computations for Linear Cellular Automata. PDPTA 2008: 372-376
5 Lewis Lasser, Louis D'Alotto: Block Types and Connectedness of Path Graphs Generated by the Pattern Recognition Algorithms of Sellers. Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 2007: 476-483
4 Louis D'Alotto, Lewis Lasser: On the Propability of Connectedness of Path Graphs Generated by the Pattern Recognition Algorithms of Sellers. IC-AI 2007: 391-396
3 Lewis Lasser, Louis D'Alotto: The Structure of Forward, Reverse, and Transverse Path Graphs in the Pattern Recognition Algorithms of Sellers. IC-AI 2006: 381-388
2 Louis D'Alotto, Lewis Lasser: Disconnectedness in Forward and Reverse Path Graphs for Pattern Matching. IC-AI 2004: 302-305
1 Louis D'Alotto, Charles Giardina: A Metric Generated by a Lower Tree Semi-Lattice. IC-AI 2003: 938-940

Coauthor Index

1Charles Giardina [1]
2Lewis Lasser [2] [3] [4] [5]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)