
Flavio D'Alessandro

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16EEArturo Carpi, Flavio D'Alessandro: The Synchronization Problem for Strongly Transitive Automata. Developments in Language Theory 2008: 240-251
15EEFlavio D'Alessandro, Stefano Varricchio: Well Quasi-orders in Formal Language Theory. Developments in Language Theory 2008: 84-95
14EEFlavio D'Alessandro, Benedetto Intrigila, Stefano Varricchio: The Parikh functions of sparse context-free languages are quasi-polynomials CoRR abs/0807.0718: (2008)
13EEFlavio D'Alessandro, Gwénaël Richomme, Stefano Varricchio: Well quasi-orders generated by a word-shuffle rewriting. Theor. Comput. Sci. 377(1-3): 73-92 (2007)
12EEChristian Choffrut, Flavio D'Alessandro, Stefano Varricchio: On the separability of sparse context-free languages and of bounded rational relations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 381(1-3): 274-279 (2007)
11EEFlavio D'Alessandro, Gwénaël Richomme, Stefano Varricchio: Well Quasi Orders and the Shuffle Closure of Finite Sets. Developments in Language Theory 2006: 260-269
10EEFlavio D'Alessandro, Gwénaël Richomme, Stefano Varricchio: Well quasi-orders and the shuffle closure of finite sets CoRR abs/cs/0607082: (2006)
9EEFlavio D'Alessandro, Alessandro D'Andrea: A Non-commutativity Statement for Algebraic Quaternions. IJAC 16(3): 583-602 (2006)
8EEFlavio D'Alessandro, Benedetto Intrigila, Stefano Varricchio: On the structure of the counting function of sparse context-free languages. Theor. Comput. Sci. 356(1-2): 104-117 (2006)
7EEFlavio D'Alessandro, Stefano Varricchio: Avoidable Sets and Well Quasi-Orders. Developments in Language Theory 2004: 139-150
6EEFlavio D'Alessandro: Free Groups of Quaternions. IJAC 14(1): 69-86 (2004)
5EEFlavio D'Alessandro, Stefano Varricchio: Well quasi-orders and context-free grammars. Theor. Comput. Sci. 327(3): 255-268 (2004)
4EEFlavio D'Alessandro, Stefano Varricchio: On Well Quasi-orders on Languages. Developments in Language Theory 2003: 230-241
3 Flavio D'Alessandro: On the Complexity of Simon Automata over the Dyck Language. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 8(3): 465-476 (2003)
2EEFlavio D'Alessandro: A combinatorial problem on Trapezoidal words. Theor. Comput. Sci. 273(1-2): 11-33 (2002)
1EEChristian Choffrut, Flavio D'Alessandro: Commutativity in Free Inverse Monoids. Theor. Comput. Sci. 204(1-2): 35-54 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Arturo Carpi [16]
2Christian Choffrut [1] [12]
3Alessandro D'Andrea [9]
4Benedetto Intrigila [8] [14]
5Gwénaël Richomme [10] [11] [13]
6Stefano Varricchio [4] [5] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

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