
Giuseppe D'Acquisto

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7EEGiuseppe D'Acquisto, Pietro Cassarà, Luigi Alcuri: An Innovative Pricing Method for Telecommunication Services Pricing through American Options. JNW 4(1): 65-74 (2009)
6 Maurizio Naldi, Giuseppe D'Acquisto: A Normal Copula Model for the Economic Risk Analysis of Correlated Failures in Communications Networks. J. UCS 14(5): 786-799 (2008)
5EEMaurizio Naldi, Giuseppe D'Acquisto: Performance of the Vickrey auction for digital goods under various bid distributions. Perform. Eval. 65(1): 10-31 (2008)
4EELuigi Alcuri, Giuseppe Barbera, Giuseppe D'Acquisto: Service Curve Estimation by Measurement: An Input Output Analysis of a Softswitch Model. QoS-IP 2005: 49-60
3EEGiuseppe D'Acquisto, Maurizio Naldi: Cross-entropy-based adaptive optimization of simulation parameters for Markovian-driven service systems. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 13(7): 619-645 (2005)
2EEGiuseppe D'Acquisto, Maurizio Naldi: Computational costs of fast stochastic simulation techniques for Markovian fluid models in multiservice networks. Simul. Pr. Theory 9(6-8): 255-272 (2002)
1EELuigi Alcuri, Giuseppe D'Acquisto: Real Time Resource Allocation in an ATM Network. MASCOTS 1998: 107-111

Coauthor Index

1Luigi Alcuri [1] [4] [7]
2Giuseppe Barbera [4]
3Pietro Cassarà [7]
4Maurizio Naldi [2] [3] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)