
Thomas W. Cusick

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22EEThomas W. Cusick, Yuan Li, Pantelimon Stanica: Balanced Symmetric Functions Over GF(p). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(3): 1304-1307 (2008)
21EEYuan Li, Thomas W. Cusick: Linear structures of symmetric functions over finite fields. Inf. Process. Lett. 97(3): 124-127 (2006)
20EEThomas W. Cusick, Yuan Li: k-th order symmetric SAC boolean functions and bisecting binomial coefficients. Discrete Applied Mathematics 149(1-3): 73-86 (2005)
19EEThomas W. Cusick, Pantelimon Stanica: Fast evaluation, weights and nonlinearity of rotation-symmetric functions. Discrete Mathematics 258(1-3): 289-301 (2002)
18 Thomas W. Cusick: Computer Licence Plates. Computers & Security 20(5): 392-394 (2001)
17 Thomas W. Cusick, Guang Gong: A conjecture on binary sequences with the "Trinomial property". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(1): 426-427 (2001)
16 Jin-yi Cai, Thomas W. Cusick: A Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptosystem. Inf. Comput. 151(1-2): 17-31 (1999)
15EEThomas W. Cusick: The Ajtai Random Class of Lattices. Theor. Comput. Sci. 226(1-2): 29-36 (1999)
14EEJin-yi Cai, Thomas W. Cusick: A Lattice-Based Public-Key Cryptosystem. Selected Areas in Cryptography 1998: 219-233
13EEThomas W. Cusick: Finite Vector Spaces and Certain Lattices. Electr. J. Comb. 5: (1998)
12 Thomas W. Cusick: Value Sets of Some Polynomials Over Finite Fields GF(22m). SIAM J. Comput. 27(1): 120-131 (1998)
11EEThomas W. Cusick, Pantelimon Stanica: Counting the n-Chromos of I. J. Schoenberg. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 79(2): 298-314 (1997)
10 Thomas W. Cusick: A Comparison of RSA and the Naccache-Stern Public-Key Cryptosystem. Security Protocols Workshop 1996: 111-116
9 Thomas W. Cusick, Hans Dobbertin: Some new three-valued crosscorrelation functions for binary m-sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(4): 1238-1240 (1996)
8EEThomas W. Cusick: Bounds on the Number of Functions Satisfying the Strict Avalanche Criterion. Inf. Process. Lett. 57(5): 261-263 (1996)
7EEThomas W. Cusick, Pantelimon Stanica: Bounds on the Number of Functions Satisfying the Strict Avalanche Criterion. Inf. Process. Lett. 60(4): 215-219 (1996)
6 Thomas W. Cusick: Properties of the x2 mod N pseudorandom number generator. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(4): 1155-1159 (1995)
5EEThomas W. Cusick: Cryptanalysis of a Public Key System Based on Diophantine Equations. Inf. Process. Lett. 56(2): 73-75 (1995)
4EEThomas W. Cusick: Boolean Functions Satisfying a Higher Order Strict Avalanche Criterion. EUROCRYPT 1993: 102-117
3EEThomas W. Cusick, Michael C. Wood: The REDOC II Cryptosystem. CRYPTO 1990: 545-563
2EEThomas W. Cusick: Recurrences for sums of powers of binomial coefficients. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 52(1): 77-83 (1989)
1 Thomas W. Cusick: View-Obstruction Problems in n-Dimensional Geometry. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 16(1): 1-11 (1974)

Coauthor Index

1Jin-yi Cai [14] [16]
2Hans Dobbertin [9]
3Guang Gong [17]
4Yuan Li [20] [21] [22]
5Pantelimon Stanica [7] [11] [19] [22]
6Michael C. Wood [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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