
Mike Cushman

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5EEFrank F. Land, Maddalena Sorrentino, Kim Viborg Andersen, Mike Cushman, Leela Damodoran, Mary Reid: Panel: E-government, the citizen and equity. ECIS 2005
4 Will Venters, Tony Cornford, Mike Cushman: Knowledge about Sustainability: SSM as a Method for Conceptualising the UK Construction Industry's Knowledge Environment. CIT 13(2): 137-148 (2005)
3EEL. Alberto Franco, Mike Cushman, Jonathan Rosenhead: Project review and learning in the construction industry: Embedding a problem structuring method within a partnership context. European Journal of Operational Research 152(3): 586-601 (2004)
2 Frank F. Land, Lars Mathiassen, Robert D. Galliers, Mike Cushman, Richard Baskerville: Collaboration Between Academics and Practitioners Using Action Research. Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development 2001: 467-470
1EELucas D. Introna, Mike Cushman, Hope Moore: The Virtual Organisation - Technical or Social Innovation? Lessons from the Film Industry. ECIS 2000

Coauthor Index

1Kim Viborg Andersen [5]
2Richard Baskerville [2]
3Tony Cornford [4]
4Leela Damodoran [5]
5L. Alberto Franco [3]
6Robert D. Galliers [2]
7Lucas D. Introna [1]
8Frank F. Land [2] [5]
9Lars Mathiassen [2]
10Hope Moore [1]
11Mary Reid [5]
12Jonathan Rosenhead [3]
13Maddalena Sorrentino [5]
14Will Venters [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)