
Stuart Cunningham

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8EEGuillaume Chelius, Isaac Woungang, Stuart Cunningham: Message from the STWiMob Workshop Organizing Technical Co-chairs. WiMob 2008
7 Vic Grout, Stuart Cunningham: Complexity issues in control software design: A practical perspective. CAINE 2006: 167-174
6 Vic Grout, Stuart Cunningham: A constrained version of a clustering algorithm for switch placement and interconnection in large networks. CAINE 2006: 252-257
5EEMark S. Hawley, Pam Enderby, Phil Green, Stuart Cunningham, Rebecca Palmer: Development of a Voice-Input Voice-Output Communication Aid (VIVOCA) for People with Severe Dysarthria. ICCHP 2006: 882-885
4 Stuart Cunningham, Vic Grout, Harry Bergen: Mozart to Metallica: A Comparison of Musical Sequences and Similarities. CAINE 2005: 332-339
3 Stuart Cunningham: Waveform Analysis for High-Quality Loop-Based Audio Distribution. Computers and Their Applications 2005: 19-25
2EEMichael Keane, Mark David Ryan, Stuart Cunningham: Worlds apart? Finance and investment in creative industries in the People's Republic of China and Latin America. Telematics and Informatics 22(4): 309-331 (2005)
1 Vic Grout, Stuart Cunningham, Denise Oram, Rich Hebblewhite: A note on the distribution of packet arrivals in high-speed data networks. ICWI 2004: 889-892

Coauthor Index

1Harry Bergen [4]
2Guillaume Chelius [8]
3Pam Enderby [5]
4Phil Green [5]
5Vic Grout [1] [4] [6] [7]
6Mark S. Hawley [5]
7Rich Hebblewhite [1]
8Michael Keane [2]
9Denise Oram [1]
10Rebecca Palmer [5]
11Mark David Ryan [2]
12Isaac Woungang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)