
Rudnei Dias da Cunha

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7EERudnei Dias da Cunha, Dulcenéia Becker: Dynamic block GMRES: an iterative method for block linear systems. Adv. Comput. Math. 27(4): 423-448 (2007)
6EECarlos Eduardo Scheidegger, João Luiz Dihl Comba, Rudnei Dias da Cunha: Practical CFD Simulations on Programmable Graphics Hardware using SMAC. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(4): 715-728 (2005)
5EECarlos Eduardo Scheidegger, João Luiz Dihl Comba, Rudnei Dias da Cunha: Navier-Stokes on Programmable Graphics Hardware using SMAC. SIBGRAPI 2004: 300-307
4EERudnei Dias da Cunha, Dulcenéia Becker, James Carlton Patterson: New Parallel (Rank-Revealing) QR Factorization Algorithms. Euro-Par 2002: 677-686
3 Rudnei Dias da Cunha, Álvaro Luiz de Bortoli: A parallel Navier-Stokes solver for the rotating flow problem. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 13(3): 163-180 (2001)
2 Rudnei Dias da Cunha: A benchmark study based on the parallel computation of the vector outer-product A = uvT operation. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 9(8): 803-819 (1997)
1EERudnei Dias da Cunha, Tim Hopkins: A parallel implementation of the restarted GMRES iterative algorithm for nonsymmetric systems of linear equations. Adv. Comput. Math. 2(3): 261-277 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Dulcenéia Becker [4] [7]
2Álvaro Luiz de Bortoli [3]
3João Luiz Dihl Comba (João Comba) [5] [6]
4Tim Hopkins [1]
5James Carlton Patterson [4]
6Carlos Eduardo Scheidegger [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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