
Maria Manuela Cunha

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6EEMaria Manuela Cunha, Goran D. Putnik: On the dynamics of Agile/Virtual Enterprise reconfiguration. IJNVO 3(1): 102-123 (2006)
5 Maria Manuela Cunha, Goran D. Putnik: Market of Resources for Agile/Virtual Enterprise Integration. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (IV) 2005: 1891-1898
4 Maria Manuela Cunha, Goran D. Putnik, José Dinis Carvalho, Paulo Ávila: A Review on Environmens Supporting Virtual Enterprise Integration. BASYS 2002: 133-140
3 Maria Manuela Cunha, Goran D. Putnik: Discussion on Requirements for Agile/Virtual Enterprises Reconfigurability Dynamics: The Example of the Automotive Industry. PRO-VE 2002: 527-534
2 Paulo Ávila, Goran D. Putnik, Maria Manuela Cunha: Brokerage Function in Agile/Virtual Enterprise Integration - A Literature Review. PRO-VE 2002: 65-72
1 Maria Manuela Cunha, Goran D. Putnik, Paulo Ávila: Towards focused markets of resources for agile virtual enterprise integration. Advanced Network Enterprises 2000: 15-24

Coauthor Index

1Paulo Ávila [1] [2] [4]
2José Dinis Carvalho [4]
3Goran D. Putnik [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)