
Chengwu Cui

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10EEKevin D. Donohue, M. Vijay Venkatesh, Chengwu Cui: Prediction of Print Defect Perception. PICS 2003: 44-49
9EEKevin D. Donohue, Chengwu Cui, M. Vijay Venkatesh: Wavelet Analysis of Print Defects. PICS 2002: 42-47
8EEChengwu Cui, Laurence G. Hassebrook, Chun Guan, Shaun T. Love: Automating the Ranking Test for Printing Quality Evaluation. PICS 2002: 99-103
7EEChengwu Cui: Gamut Mapping with Enhanced Chromaticness. Color Imaging Conference 2001: 257-262
6EEChengwu Cui, Steven F. Weed: Measurement Problems for Overhead Projection Transparency Printing Color Calibration. Color Imaging Conference 2001: 303-309
5 Chengwu Cui: On the Repeatability of Paired Comparison Based Scaling Methods. PICS 2001: 113-118
4 Chengwu Cui, Dingcai Cao, Shaun T. Love: Measuring Visual Threshold of Inkjet Banding. PICS 2001: 84-89
3EEChengwu Cui: Comparison of Two Psychophysical Methods for Image Color Quality Measurement: Paired Comparison and Rank Order. Color Imaging Conference 2000: 222-227
2EEChengwu Cui, Steven F. Weed: Colorfulness? In Search of a Better Metric for Gamut Limit Colors. PICS 2000: 183-187
1 Chengwu Cui: New Requirements on D50 Illumination in ISO/DIS 3664: 1998 and the Implications. Color Imaging Conference 1999: 205-211

Coauthor Index

1Dingcai Cao [4]
2Kevin D. Donohue [9] [10]
3Chun Guan [8]
4Laurence G. Hassebrook [8]
5Shaun T. Love [4] [8]
6M. Vijay Venkatesh [9] [10]
7Steven F. Weed [2] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)