
Heriberto Cuayáhuitl

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4EEAngel Israel Ortiz-Cornejo, Heriberto Cuayáhuitl, Carlos Perez-Corona: WISBuilder: A Framework for Facilitating Development of Web-Based Information Systems. CONIELECOMP 2006: 46
3EEHeriberto Cuayáhuitl: A Syllabification Algorithm for Spanish. CICLing 2004: 412-415
2EEArmando Varela, Heriberto Cuayáhuitl, Juan Arturo Nolazco-Flores: Creating a Mexican Spanish Version of the CMU Sphinx-III Speech Recognition System. CIARP 2003: 251-258
1EEHeriberto Cuayáhuitl, Ben Serridge: Out-of-Vocabulary Word Modeling and Rejection for Spanish Keyword Spotting Systems. MICAI 2002: 156-165

Coauthor Index

1Juan Arturo Nolazco-Flores [2]
2Angel Israel Ortiz-Cornejo [4]
3Carlos Perez-Corona [4]
4Ben Serridge [1]
5Armando Varela [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)