
Tibor Csendes

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12EETibor Csendes: Interval Analysis: Subdivision Directions in Interval Branch and Bound Methods. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 1717-1721
11EETibor Csendes: Algorithmic Improvements Using a Heuristic Parameter, Reject Index for Interval Optimization. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 30-33
10EETibor Csendes, László Pál, José-Oscar H. Sendín, Julio R. Banga: The GLOBAL optimization method revisited. Optimization Letters 2(4): 445-454 (2008)
9EEBalázs Bánhelyi, Tibor Csendes, Barnabas M. Garay: Optimization and the Miranda Approach in Detecting Horseshoe-Type Chaos by Computer. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 17(3): 735-747 (2007)
8EEM. Cs. Markót, Tibor Csendes: A Reliable Area Reduction Technique for Solving Circle Packing Problems. Computing 77(2): 147-162 (2006)
7EEM. Cs. Markót, J. Fernández, Leocadio G. Casado, Tibor Csendes: New interval methods for constrained global optimization. Math. Program. 106(2): 287-318 (2006)
6EEBoglárka Tóth, Tibor Csendes: Empirical Investigation of the Convergence Speed of Inclusion Functions in a Global Optimization Context. Reliable Computing 11(4): 253-273 (2005)
5EETibor Csendes: Numerical Experiences with a New Generalized Subinterval Selection Criterion for Interval Global Optimization. Reliable Computing 9(2): 109-125 (2003)
4EELeocadio G. Casado, Inmaculada García, Tibor Csendes: A New Multisection Technique in Interval Methods for Global Optimization. Computing 65(3): 263-269 (2000)
3EETibor Csendes, Zoltán Fülöp: Preface - Papers from the Conference for PhD Students in Computer Science. Acta Cybern. 14(2): 215-216 (1999)
2EETibor Csendes: SCAN-98: an IMACS/GAMM International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics. Reliable Computing 5(1): 101-102 (1999)
1 Tibor Csendes: Nonlinear Parameter Estimation by Global Opitmization - Efficiency and reliability. Acta Cybern. 8: 361-372 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Julio R. Banga [10]
2Balázs Bánhelyi [9]
3Leocadio G. Casado [4] [7]
4J. Fernández [7]
5Zoltán Fülöp [3]
6Barnabas M. Garay [9]
7Inmaculada García (Inmaculada García Fernández) [4]
8M. Cs. Markót [7] [8]
9László Pál [10]
10José-Oscar H. Sendín [10]
11Boglárka Tóth [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)