
Attila G. Császár

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7EEVeronika Kasalová, Wesley D. Allen, Henry F. Schaefer III, Eszter Czinki, Attila G. Császár: Molecular structures of the two most stable conformers of free glycine. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(8): 1373-1383 (2007)
6EEAndrás Perczel, Anna K. Füzéry, Attila G. Császár: Toward direct determination of conformations of protein building units from multidimensional NMR experiments. V. NMR chemical shielding analysis of N-formyl-serinamide, a model for polar side-chain containing peptides. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(10): 1157-1171 (2003)
5EEWim Klopper, Claire C. M. Samson, György Tarczay, Attila G. Császár: Equilibrium inversion barrier of NH3 from extrapolated coupled-cluster pair energies. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(13): 1306-1314 (2001)
4EEBéla Paizs, Pedro Salvador, Attila G. Császár, Miquel Duran, Sándor Suhai: Intermolecular bond lengths: extrapolation to the basis set limit on uncorrected and BSSE-corrected potential energy hypersurfaces. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(2): 196-207 (2001)
3EEPéter Hudáky, Imre Jákli, Attila G. Császár, András Perczel: Peptide models XXXI. Conformational properties of hydrophobic residues shaping the core of proteins. An ab initio study of N-formyl-L-valinamide and N-formyl-L-phenylalaninamide. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(7): 732-751 (2001)
2EEAndrás Perczel, Attila G. Császár: Toward direct determination of conformations of protein building units from multidimensional NMR experiments I. A theoretical case study of For-Gly-NH2 and For-L-Ala-NH2. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(10): 882-900 (2000)
1EEImre Jákli, András Perczel, Ödön Farkas, Attila G. Császár, Carlos P. Sosa, Imre G. Csizmadia: Peptide models XXIII. Conformational model for polar side-chain containing amino acid residues: A comprehensive analysis of RHF, DFT, and MP2 properties of HCO-L-SER-NH2 . Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(8): 626-655 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Wesley D. Allen [7]
2Imre G. Csizmadia [1]
3Eszter Czinki [7]
4Miquel Duran [4]
5Ödön Farkas [1]
6Anna K. Füzéry [6]
7Péter Hudáky [3]
8Imre Jákli [1] [3]
9Veronika Kasalová [7]
10Wim Klopper [5]
11Béla Paizs [4]
12András Perczel [1] [2] [3] [6]
13Pedro Salvador [4]
14Claire C. M. Samson [5]
15Henry F. Schaefer III [7]
16Carlos P. Sosa [1]
17Sándor Suhai [4]
18György Tarczay [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)